It Takes More Than Technology to Secure Your Institution
Teamwork, training and tech must come together to protect networks from cybercriminals who continue to target colleges and universities.
WeiterlesenKĂŒnstliche Intelligenz in Lehre & Unterricht
Teamwork, training and tech must come together to protect networks from cybercriminals who continue to target colleges and universities.
WeiterlesenArtificial intelligence (AI) panic is spreading across the education sector. The newest wave of generative AI tools, released without guidance or clear suggestions for educators late last year, might be among the biggest and fastest transformations to hit academia.
WeiterlesenAs researchers dive into the brave new world of advanced AI chatbots, publishers need to acknowledge their legitimate uses and lay down clear guidelines to avoid abuse.
WeiterlesenDer digitale Wandel und die damit einhergehenden tiefgreifenden VerĂ€nderungen fĂŒr das Lernen und Lehren in Schule und Lehrer:innenbildung waren das zentrale Thema der Konferenz âDigital Transformation in Teaching and Teacher Educationâ.
WeiterlesenUmfangreiche Ăbersicht zu Tools mit Schwerpunkt KĂŒnstliche Intelligenz. Welche Anwendungen kann ich fĂŒr meinen Unterricht nutzen?
Weiterlesen“FutureTools Collects & Organizes All The Best AI Tools So YOU Too Can Become Superhuman!” Lots of tools you can choose for different tasks.
WeiterlesenJust like in Spotify, you can add papers to collections. ResearchRabbit learns what you love and improves its recommendations!
WeiterlesenWelcome to the “Awesome ChatGPT Prompts” repository! This is a collection of prompt examples to be used with the ChatGPT model.
WeiterlesenFĂŒr 20 US-Dollar pro Monat erhalten die Nutzerinnen und Nutzer von ChatGPT mehr und schnellere Leistung. Das Abonnement ist vorerst nur in den USA verfĂŒgbar.
WeiterlesenAI Test Kitchen is an app where people can learn about, experience, and give feedback on Googleâs emerging AI technology. Our goal is to learn, improve, and innovate responsibly on AI together.
WeiterlesenDeutschland will die Massenentlassungen im US-Tech-Sektor nutzen und verstÀrkt Software-Experten einstellen und so den eigenen FachkrÀftemangel beheben.
WeiterlesenThis post explores the various components of crafting high-quality prompts for different Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools like DALLE-2 and ChatGPT.
WeiterlesenTo harness the potential and avert the risks of OpenAIâs new chat bot, academics should think a few years out, invite students into the conversation andâmost of allâexperiment, not panic.
WeiterlesenOne of the hottest topics trending on social media platforms in 2022 exploded in recent weeks with the release of ChatGPT and DALL-E, prompting furious debate about the implications for people, careers, and industries worldwide.